This week all the celebrations converge in a holiday big bang. All of them in just five days:1 Winter Solstice, Christmas, Chanukah, and Kwanza.
If you can, stop for a moment and think about what you most wish for over the next ten days. Is it an object or an experience? A state of mind? Stamina? A missing person by your side? Are you filled with FOMO2 or anticipation? When you know what you most want, how will you make it happen? Is it realistic? Is there an alternative or can you find a path?
My wish is that my sister was still here to be with me and her vibrant beautiful family. I can’t make that happen. What I can do is look at photos and videos, share stories with friends of my big sister, growing up together, celebrating Chanukah with our parents. I can sing songs that made us giggle and make her present in my life.
The other thing I can do is count my blessings and have an attitude of gratitude. I have food, shelter, a loving husband, son and daughter-in-law, dear friends and family I adore, and a personal mission that keeps me busy.
Here are my wishes for you:
For some, this is a week filled with family and friends, parties to attend and dinners to host, presents to buy and to receive. It is joyous, noisy, though a bit harried. If that describes you, I wish you the gift of Time to reflect, relax, observe, meditate if you like, read (of course), and self pamper.
For others, this can be a challenging time. Perhaps, like me, you’ve lost a loved one who is conspicuously absent. Or you’re having health issues, new or chronic. Or you’re the caregiver for someone who is ill. Or you feel alone, isolated from the holiday hubbub. If that describes you, I wish you the gifts of Patience and Strength to get through the next 10 days without anger, depression, regret or jealousy.
Perhaps, allow yourself to acknowledge that the last week of the year was co-opted by commercial interests and you don’t need to comply. If you are a person of faith, this is a time to reach out to others for support. I’d start with your place of worship, IRL or virtual.
Perhaps, like me, you’re wishing for that spark of holiday magic we experienced as a child, eager to see friends and family, yet — despite all the festivity around us — overcommitted, stressed, sleep-deprived and looking forward to a break. If that describes you, I wish you all three: Time, Patience and Strength.
But most of all, I wish you Good Health and Love.
And I have a final gift for you but you will have to wait a bit. PATIENT NO MORE will return in January 2025 with a new approach and a twice-monthly schedule. Still FREE for all but with more specific helpful information to help you deal with our broken healthcare system.
Winter Solstice is December 21. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day December 24-25. Chanukah lasts from sundown December 25 through January 2. Kwanza begins December 26 and also ends January 2.
FOMO = Fear of Missing Out
Love you loads, I miss her too
Much love, Helene!